On This Topic
Pete Buttigieg took parental leave. LGBTQ+ advocates and administration officials say that should be normal.
A paid-leave proposal is part of the White House’s proposed Build Back Better legislation.
The 19th Explains: What’s going on with the Build Back Better plan in Congress?
The House approved what Biden has called a ‘historic’ bill that includes free pre-K and funding for child care and home care. Senate negotiations continue.
Kansas has become a beacon for abortion access. Next year, that could disappear.
Without Kansas as a safe haven, the Midwestern abortion desert will be bigger than the country of France.
Protesters push Congress for home care funding: ‘If we get sick, we leave and no one backs us up’
Dozens held a 24-hour vigil, telling stories of disabled people, family members and professional caregivers as Congress considers legislation that could help make home care more accessible and provider better pay for workers.
‘I did feel that the people in the room did believe me’: Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford discuss testimony
For a new podcast, the two women talk about society’s willingness to believe those who accuse people in positions of power — and to do something about it.
Sen. Shaheen on Afghan women under Taliban rule: ‘We have known this was coming’
The New Hampshire Democrat, who has pushed for a gender lens to be applied to foreign policy, spoke to The 19th before Monday’s United Nations International Day of the Girl Child.
The new battlefront in the partisan war over voting? Ballot initiatives.
The Fairness Project is launching a $5 million campaign ahead of the 2022 midterm elections to ward off new GOP restrictions on ballot measures.
The New Deal devalued home care workers. Advocates hope new legislation can undo that.
Domestic workers, many of them women and many people of color, have inherited a racist, sexist legacy of low pay and little job protections.
106 restrictions on abortions have become law this year. It’s a record.
Texas, which effectively outlawed most abortions, was not even in the top five states in terms of the number of abortion restrictions enacted, an analysis found.
Elizabeth Warren isn’t in the White House. But she knows how to use the tools she’s got.
The Massachusetts senator is using the subcommittee posts she has, getting allies into key parts of the bureaucracy and laying the groundwork to cancel student debt and shape the president’s domestic agenda.