On This Topic
Pregnancy increases COVID-19's mortality risk, CDC says
A new report linked pregnancy to higher rates of complications, including death, from COVID-19 — a reversal from previous federal advisories.
Child care, once a priority, is now a footnote for the Trump administration
The issue has been largely absent from the debates and campaign rallies at a time when parents seem to care about it most. But as with so many topics, the pandemic has made it political.
Native women in Arizona lead the way for voting access on tribal reservations
How some tribal women are getting out the vote in communities long beset by voter suppression and newly impacted by the deadly coronavirus.
Pandemic restrictions may impact the nursing home vote
Women account for more than two-thirds of the nursing home population, which faces challenges to voting due to various changes prompted by the pandemic.
In the last presidential debate, Trump and Biden make their final pitch to women
Some have already cast their votes, as Trump attempts to close the gender gap.
Women voters say health care is on the line this year — and they aren't hearing enough about it
Women "health care voters" fueled Democrats' midterm election gains in 2018. Those voters want to hear more about how presidential candidates would change a system they say still isn't working.
503: Inside the COVID unit at the world’s largest women’s prison
The Central California Women’s Facility quarantined prisoners with COVID-19 with those who never tested positive for the virus.
Latinas had the highest unemployment rate this year — and it’s driving them to vote
In April, one in five Latinas were jobless. In November, unemployment will be on their minds.
For family caregivers, COVID is a mental health crisis in the making
The work is grueling and unpaid. As COVID continues, family caregivers — overwhelmingly women — say the burden is driving their vote.
Kamala Harris shows up ‘prepared’ and ‘poised’ to the debate against Mike Pence
The vice presidential debate was calm, civil and focused on policy — at least compared to the first Trump-Biden face-off.